Tell us how you first met?
We first met in the kitchen of an east coast party that I wouldn't have usually have gone to. My room mates cat, names Juliet, gave birth that night and I found my romeo.
When did you know he/she was the one?
Erin: I knew he was the one when it hurt to think about leaving to go on my euro trip I'd been looking forward to for basically my whole life when we had only been together a few months.
Cameron: Food poisoning in Cuba together (2 months into relationship)
Tell us about the proposal. Did you see it coming? How did you feel?
Erin: On our 5th anniversary I decided I'd had enough of waiting so I surprised Cameron with a note on the top of a box - “Will you…”, he opened the box to a vintage omega watch he really wanted and a note saying “... take me ring shopping?”
Cameron: I didn't see that coming
Erin: He said “Yes!”, and that he was glad because he then didn't have to worry about spending a bunch of money on a ring I didn't like. I got to pick exactly what I wanted and then the wait began. I knew he would want to wait to have a good proposal 'moment' and had a feeling he would do it out east but didn't know when or where. When we went out east a few months later we went for a drive to a special spot right by the ocean and as I saw him fumbling in his pocket I switched my camera to video and caught it on camera! :)
Tell us one thing you love most about each other?
Erin: How much he helps me and cuddles.
Cameron: She's always in a good mood and cuddles.